February VPS Promotion: Get Up To 30% Off New Orders!

About Us

Welcome to FXVPS.biz your World Class Forex VPS provider for the sole purpose of smooth, streamlined and secure Forex trade.

At FXVPS.biz, we’re dedicated to providing traders worldwide with unmatched speed, reliability, and security. With optimized servers and technical expertise, simply load your trade software onto our servers. Start running your business with a VPS partner you can depend on. Our goal is to create a highly professional trade environment for clients across industries. Our advanced VPS solutions allow traders to focus on their professional trade. Developed by a knowledgeable and exceptional trade team, FX VPS can deliver services at lightning speeds. We keep your trading website up and running so you can achieve your bottom line.







FXVPS VPS Solutions For The Savvy Trader

FXVPS.biz Ensure That Our Dedicated Servers Continue To Perform At Optimum Levels. Fast Speeds, Modern Forex Trade And Availability In Multiple Locations Help Us Reduce The Latency Between You And Your Broker. Our High-Powered Servers Will Ensure Continued Trade Even In Power Outages And Interruptions. With Reliance On A Dedicated Forex Server, Every Client Receives Independently Operating Servers For Fast, Accurate Results.

Our Locations


We believe that the closer a server is to your broker, the better it is for ongoing trade. We have servers all over the world to provide powerful results you can depend on. Our goal is to keep you close to your broker and ensure streamlined, effective and powerful trade solutions you can trust.

FX VPS hosting servers located in prime data centers in New York, London, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, Amsterdam, Singapore, Zurich, Tokyo, Frankfurt, Johannesburg, Mumbai, Washington DC, Toronto, Tel Aviv, Paris and Hong Kong. Pick one that suits you and enjoy our Forex VPS solutions. Check your Broker’s Latency

Expert Advisors

Clients About Us

As a dedicated World Class Forex VPS provider, we have established our services as market leading, powerful and efficient. FX VPS presents a highly professional and experienced technical team with the utmost expertise in trade servers. Our professional team is skilled and knowledgeable in advancing our Virtual Private Servers for the best trade experiences.

As experienced professionals in the trade market, we have developed VPS solutions to exceed your expectations.

For general support or technical assistance, please feel free to contact us on live chat or by completing our online submission form. We are available 24/7 to help you when you need us.
